Or, as this is really meant to my data?
I must note to the first, I am not a journalist or identify myself with Notice particularly well, but one thing I know for sure that I am responsible for who has my data. Now and then, to me is well aware, there are also third parties to publish the data over the web.
But we are yet to be honest, we are lambs in good faith, to enter their names and other things like this in registration forms, without us even close to the dangers it presents to be aware of. For all those who have not yet understood, I am speaking here of the so-called social networks which also include MySpace and also the ever-popular StudiVz and its offshoot SchülerVZ. Which could not at his MySpace "real" identity necessarily reveal needs. But it looks at StudiVz SchülerVZ and (the still not freely available) is different. The principle on which these pages are based is as simple as enticing: Get to know people from your lectures, etc.. What if, as I sit in an auditorium with nearly 600 students, somehow seems helpful.
But how much should I reveal? Do I really want to be recognized by everyone in my 600 student lecture hall? I do not think I have because one or the other can already see from her suspect. They are clearly the benefits of "real life", I can choose the people I sit next to the (forced mode).
According StudiVz provisions I decide what I reveal is made easy and at first glance, the correct name is indeed not so embarrassing, right? No, he really is not. Finally, the people know my name at the university, when I enrolled myself and so it is then too. It makes me so my colleagues did not study in detail, if I do not mean course, my classes and teachers specify. (Who already recognize the pattern? How to become more and more encouraged to give of themselves,?) And oh, there is still this group, where quite a lot in there, which is also the like and you're in the first groups occurred. Not bad, right? No of course not, but I am Finally, to who I am, why should it not also learn the others? All I have to stand in my profile should, before reading any? Everyone really? Am I sure? Of course, I'm sure about. Ah! I see I can still upload a picture of me. Which I guess just because? I prefer to be clearly visible, so I know my colleagues in the classroom again. Oh, how hard it to get to know other people without the StudiVz at my university? Brave new world also. After a few days then I'm already on all the party photos linked from my friends who made their way, which I them by the "Anwerbfunktion" .. I invite my friends, function, and have shown under the photos are so crass of the party, where we have all so a few girlfriends and even look like the anti-alcoholic, as they are already in the blessed land. Man, as the sense of community boil up in me (and produces nausea). I am now reading up a little and realize my contact can (allegedly) can only read my friends, that I find practical and cheerfully give my address, phone number etc. so that people can reach me (as if those who I can not achieve anyway my "contact" had). Ohja, I'm in the madness and pull me out virtually without realizing it. (Who really believes that only students registered in StudiVz are? You? Oh, I'm sorry.)
awake After a while I, look at what I have done and what I'm all for groups already a member and have such a strange feeling in my stomach. I am considering a moment where this feeling comes. Then it becomes aware suddenly, like a threshing sledge hammer it on me. I do not even like stand in the phone book, I have my entire data hope down and I mean not only a phone number, address or course, no I did something far worse made public, my likes, my whole added personality, yet these great wall posts , which would leave rather suggest that much to me too much time drinking coffee have to learn instead. All in all, makes my profile the possible bad impression, because I am now even as I am? Maybe, but I would make this bad impression even if I would go for an interview? I think you will not. Call me illusion of, but I think that you can not talk about it in interviews, that I like my partner in bed pin, or put my current coma Sauf photos on the desk of my future employer, or something yet? I mean like me to clarify, if only it should be.
I then deleted my profile relatively quickly to think, gave me the message that it could take several days to my data from the system would be removed. I am familiar with databases, etc. are not, but I did not really new. But we'd like to think that it really takes that long. What surprises me the so-called fakes or even the "not real" users of the StudiVz disappear within seconds without a trace. But as I said, vll, it is also quite different. Unfortunately
was / am I the morbid fascination of StudiVz fall a bit and so I'll float me now as so-called "bogus" or just fake in this wonderful community to do. One or the other question is why? StudiVz never been so much fun, such as "victims" (J ).
now butter with the fish:
Nobody and I repeat no one interested in your party photos, your group or your other data, such as family status, political direction lie etc. except this one group of people who happen to your applications to the desktop have.
But I am not the first and (hopefully) not the last of the attempts you make that clear. You will not always listen to me, which I will not prevent people from making more.
A little question by the way: Why should StudiVz work only if we "really" are? With my friends I think other people in contact and the lectures you get to know even more in the university (for example, a lot of my doing, so you can get to know). StudiVz should at most be a little gimmick, but it just turning into a source of information for business number 1 ...
Okay I think already my door ...