Thursday, April 12, 2007

Long Dong Silver Hamster

Do you actually have any idea? I'm paranoid

As I flit around in StudiVz but actually, of course not my real name untr and even come across fantastic groups. Such as the following: "Citizens' initiative for more LSD in the drinking water association" and hey I'll kick it straight away, as the affiliation certificate will I get the following on my monitor to see:

The leadership of the StudiVz of " sponsored "groups speaks a bit longer, I'm not surprised that it actually is now time for some advertising, but the advertising switch really knows what he does for a group of advertising, or was he only on the size of the group? Then the above Group has over 2000 members.
But honestly, would the company that advertises in this group, not on LSD forums on social network advertising? I do not think so. But it implies, the company would also be for more LSD in the drinking water and supports such groups. So my little subtle question to you: Do you have any idea where to advertise?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Maternity Leave In Grand Cayman

data and angry, well not yet but soon

I was young and naive and have participated in outdoor swimming pool, I give it to yes and yes, I uploaded the embarrassing content high. Being embarrassed is not the right word, it is stuff that I had completed before a slightly longer time. No one has to know more.

must sound outdoor swimming pool and Conditions you specify when registering his name and address, and also sounds somewhat logical, finally, often times giving away something and competitions are held. As I was saying was young, naive and did not know it better, we also find on google the outdoor swimming pool not mini homepages, now, much to my chagrin, different. A gentleman gave a since he had nothing to do anscheind better in my name google and came up with the, of me in a previous post, as a youthful indiscretion designated outdoor swimming pool side, spoke to me in horror and in any case shocked to part of the content to. That was embarrassing to the core. I have spontaneously sought to hide a hole where I could do what the Lord does not see could have, because he made me a far distant town called, or had even chatted with me. That was me wirlich embarrassing. Because of this incident and the fact that you believe me not the name of youthful indiscretion (the site is from 2005), I was too late roused me to report on from outdoor swimming pool. I thought at least. Because according to terms and conditions I have the right to delete my account:

10 Contract termination

(1) The users are entitled to their user account with outdoor swimming pool at any time by giving notice of two weeks to terminate. Outdoor swimming pool is entitled, user accounts terminate by serving a notice period of two weeks. The right of extraordinary termination remains unaffected.

(2) For users of fee-based services are the outdoor swimming pool shown in the contract special provisions for contract termination.

(3) After the entry into force of the termination will be deleted within the statutory time limits for all outdoor swimming pool stored personal content from the user. If desired, the user that content in digital form will be provided. The costs are borne by the users.
Find great and I wanted to make love to. But now these pages do live by their users and do not like to let someone go. So they make us to go very serious. I have about half an hour looking for dead after a Kontakemail. There is nothing in the imprint is there nowhere a. Then I, after such a practical self-delete button, as sought in StudiVz, but that there is nowhere, or is adjacent to the contact email. I was very frustrated and annoyed when I read the three unanswered questions in the deletion Forum FAQ Forum and said seems to be broken because it could not save my entry, I So in writing the manager of outdoor swimming pool and asked for my cancellation, I have even politely apologized for writing it, since it seems to give only their email address, and have, as expected, got no answer. Now the whole thing is not even two weeks ago, but I say it this way, as if after two weeks of notice still my mini homepage on the net, then raised other sites and that is the ugly.

children does not publish data Never! You do not know when they could also seek re

beautiful Easter Monday yet
