Sunday, July 18, 2010

Design An Invitation In Paint Shop Pro

like lions it blue

I think I have to apologize. I was very quiet the last few weeks. But that was because it was so terribly hot. I had absolutely no desire for anything. I was around, sweating, hoping for better weather - which in my case clearly means cooler weather. My man says - and he's right - namely, that I have a "winter lion" and I'm really: If it is hot, brooding, I dream of snow and how flakes melt on my nose, how much I like it when the world around me is very white and quiet overnight. Summer is definitely not my year, not even if I spend it in the north. On the other hand, I must say that I enjoy sea air. The light wind, the salt - I like the smell. And yes, I have a very good nose - even if they do not, as some people think clearly, my sense organ is No.1.

But as for this - children, children sometimes wish I say I could! Then I could in fact above the clever people who stand in front of my cage and know everything about lions, enlighten. Yesterday I had time for another visit to a specialist. He came with his two kiddies and because I just blinked (I was a little sleepy after the performance), he told his offspring that would have dazzled me, the sun well. Sorry, the one who always has problems with the fact that it hides the sun, my man! Martin needs a pair of sunglasses. I do not. Unlike you poor people, I have namely eye that can fit perfectly in almost any lighting condition. If it is very light to pull my pupils to very narrow slots together - and I could see even in the African sun without being dazzled. Everything else would be very awkward for a lion. Besides the fact that people like us could even muster via Ebay no matching sunglasses, would probably slip on the hunt. Therefore, it is better that we see clearly without it.
And if we're at it, how well we see lions: The next person who stands before me and regrets, because I have a poor cat) so bad and b) do not see any colors, I Fauche! My eyes are in fact very well, thank you very much! In light adaptation, they are even better than human. I can, as already above, look at the sun and I see in low light much better than people.

However, we can not see cats in the dark. If no light is more and it's really soaking-splash-black all around us, we are people just like you, rely on our senses of touch and hearing. But until one night when I feel completely dark and see nothing more, my Martin is three times stumbled over a tent anchor. Unlike me (and all other cats), he has not rendered tapetum lucidum cellusom . That is with me (and all other cats, dogs, horses, cattle and a whole host of other nocturnal animals), a reflective layer behind the retina and the incident light is once again returns. This will increase and we see in dim light about 50% better than beings who do not have this layer.

And if we are at it now, our eyes or the area in our brain, reacting to the optical information is responsible should be "faster" than you in person. If it shows you is 60 frames per second, you take the fact is not it more than frames, but your visual center believes take it was moving (this is the trick behind a movie: It leaves more than 60 frames per minute run your eye and you believe that pictures would move). We can see more frames - this has the advantage that we see on the steppe and movements that would miss you. A prey animal can still hide so well - as soon as it makes the slightest move, we perceive it.

preferred way, then we are in estimating distances. Our visual axis is - just like you humans, but it is even more pronounced - so oriented to intersect the view from the left and the right eye at a certain point in front of us. This allows us to estimate distances extremely well (animals whose visual axes do not intersect - such as horses, their eyes are so attached to the side of the head, which can ensure almost not at all) - which is clearly an advantage is when we start for example with a sentence of a prey animal (or my gas and Kazan girls in the ring, the cage walls go up).

Now what color is concerned, we are against you people a bit of a disadvantage. We have - like dogs - only two different types of cones in the eye. They are sensitive to blue and yellow. Red, however, we do not see - and therefore I can not even explain how we perceive it. We recognize of course a form, but the color looks to us very different. On the other hand, since we lack nothing - yes red plays no role in our world. None of our prey is red, red flowers on the steppe are irrelevant to us. Of yellow and blue make green the other hand - we can see and it tells us, for example, that we are on fertile grazing ground, ie, in a corner, would in many fatty snacks stay.

Our favorite color is blue. Blue is the sky is blue water, blue is just beautiful. That is why I like my men. It has got blue eyes. And if the next time he restored my favorite deck board, he painted it blue perhaps - and I see blue as a white lion übrgens look good. Have you heard Martin?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Prefab Table Tennis For Css

We walk, we walk ...

... from one place to another - and this is what I love the circus!

Today I am a very satisfied, very well tempered lion. We have just moved yesterday from Gronau to Emden, while I once again found that as a lion in the circus is really preferred. I get offered lots of variety - and I can assure you: There is nothing worse than boredom for a lion. Therefore, I enjoy getting offered every week a new environment.

What people call "implementation", I think, therefore, always exciting - although I have as a veteran circus lion, of course, already routine in it. It always seems to pass off similar: After the last performance I lie down, like every night, again in my bedroom ear. And while I slip into the realm of dreams, I hear outside the hustle and bustle: Martin and his assistants break down my outdoor enclosure. They are super quick in - they have already done a hundred times, so now sits every move. Before I make the third turn, they usually have been my entire body, from my elevated seat on the cat tree to the bars stowed on a trailer. On another was already packed our show equipment: Platforms, Gas Cash throne, central cage, running gear, my disco ball. After two or three hours, the Lacey whole team - about 20 lions, our complete equipment and of course, very important to our refrigerator with food - ready to travel. And then it works mostly during the night in a column with at least seven vehicles to the next town.

The trip I always oversleep. I like the gentle rocking of the car and I know that Martin and his helpers take good care of us. So yes, they go the way they are in the column. Should there be a problem with that is once one of the three large trailers in which we lions are transported, Martin is on us - and then also against one of our towing vehicle to be replaced by the equipment vans, so we depend not on the road . remain But now something has happened before. The circus crown that is also its own auto repair shop, which sets out their ambition, that more and everything is working and traveling, especially the crown of animals from place to place.

Moreover, it is not even from Gronau to Emden so far. Although we are always welcoming the move, we came after two hours already. I've slept, but as the luck I have yet mitgekriegt that exciting in Emden smell of salt air and sea. I like that! And the fresh wind that blows there, like me. 'm

I as yesterday woke up this morning, Martin and his hardworking crew my outdoor enclosure was built again - and this time it is really great: We have a large space with grass, trees and shrubs at the edge and this there was plenty of fresh sawn. Well, I like it very well in Emden. Above all, I think the sea air stimulates the appetite - I've squashed then straight to the breakfast a couple of chicken. I then rearranged the decoration in my outdoor enclosure a bit - Martin never gets the same way as I want. And then I gemütich down for a nap in the shade.

But, I feel good here. And I am pleased that we are now so high in the north and along the coast travel. If you just take a holiday in this area - how about a visit to the circus? Come over. My friends and I in them lions roar in front of something!