Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sherwin Williams Pinky Beige

Hairdressers Hairdressing and haircare

has long troubled me the morning look in the mirror. Only in the mid twenties and even the first bald patches on his head. to let their hair back to plant is usually too expensive, so we had a more favorable solution her. Ich war eitel genug um festzustellen: Das konnte ich nicht so auf mir sitzen lassen, also hab ich mich eines Abends des anonymen Internets bedient, um mich auf die Suche nach Haarkosmetika für Männer zu machen.

Das erste Produkt, was ich mir bestellt hatte im Internet. Die Bestellung ging einfach und diskret vonstatten, zahlen durfte man per Rechnung. Zunächst einmal habe ich ein Haarprodukt für 25,00 € ausprobiert, das wie eine Art farbliche Creme ist, die mit einem Schwämmchen auf die Kopfhaut aufgetragen wird, um die glänzenden kahlen Stellen zu vertuschen. Diese Creme gibt es in den Farben schwarz, kastanienbraun, dunkelbraun, mittelbraun, light brown, blond, black and white. Even well-known Hollywood stars swear by this product, which I was not 100% convinced, especially as it was already clear that is a cream on the scalp, and there is no real hair.

The second and third product also comes from a Hairdressing was on the one hand and a special hair wax with a high protein concentration, for 15,00 €. This is rubbed wax, wash the hair after the hair was and I'm been very satisfied because he's remaining hair is visible effect of strong and thick. However, he hides not just the skinheads shaped spots.

am After a while, but I still come across another product on the Internet, what impressed me most of all. While you can pay Hairdressing Hair Base only with advance payment or credit card, but I had to have this product simply
Aminexil ampoules against hair loss .

Now I rub my bald spots for quite some time with this miracle remedies in the hope that a few hairs grow back!


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