Saturday, October 16, 2010

What Size Area Rug Under Pool Table

There are days when I could only run with his head against the post!

(c) Ferdinando Klemenz, 2010

And these are then also when I wish I would have remained a single lion. It could have been so nice: Martin and I, somewhere in the very cozy tête-à-tête, soft music in the background, nice chat, no shouting, no hassle, no Tralala. But what I have instead?


And that's not all: I even have a large family with 20 members. Among them are quite lovely Löw (inn) en, for example, my two girls and Diamond Princess. Or Kenya with her sweet face and coquettish swing of the hips. And Kiarah is sexy - even if they sometimes Martin "Garfield" calls, because they so greedy. I have nothing against it if he were quartered them a little bit with me and I would not bother even guaranteed that they are always hungry. Quite the contrary. Kiarah could all 'eat what I do not like anyway: Grease (igittigittigitt) and liver (brrrr!). Heart over steaks and we would have well maintained and as for the chicken, I would perhaps growl at times. And one would have to be sure that venison is mine and mine alone completely! Sun cute can not be a bride that I share my saddle of venison with her. It's enough that Martin always wants abhaben it.

But I wanted more annoying part of the family and tell them why I'm the days a little sour. Normally, yes my enclosure is constructed so that I get exactly the family was faced and nearly all see. Here in Wertheim's is but exactly where we are lions around a curve and I have the Trio Infernale - Frosty, Junior and Prince Benedict - just opposite and the dear, long day in mind. And that, I can tell you can go to the lion an already nervous! Indeed, it is now quite cold now, what we have lions always result in increased activity. In the summer when the sun beats down from the sky, we usually have no desire to "action". Why should they? If this is indeed a sweat. But if it then cool, we are awake. Somehow, the mix of cozy and warm at night - we're all comfortable bedrooms warmed with red lamps or heated floors, Martin donated to us recently, again soft beds of fragrant, fresh straw - crisp and cold on the day of invigorating.

(c) Claudia May, 2010
Prince Benedict - and believe me, he is not as harmless as this picture looks!

be in this weather really even our older ladies gay and play. But As far as the young men - the exaggeration it really! Hardly in the outdoor enclosure, it's already happening: Prince Benedict acts as Pole Dancer: He jumping on the post high, holding his net; tried to move it or even better to install (no chance, Boy - Martin knows how he set up this thing has so little princes overturn it can not!), he developed is drumrum, it leads to the strangest contortions. And if he does eventually get bored, he goes to the grid, which it currently - because he is very aggressive and the last major battle with his brothers was so hurt right - separate from the other two. There is then only a little bit provocative and through the bars properly hiss and argue. It is up to each other, they shouted, metal rattles, it will hiss - and there I should be able to sleep? No chance.

's is obviously the older ladies who are behind the guys in the pen, like me: After a while she sucks the scramble the beatniks. Kasanga, even though he as a father actually responsible for the infernal trio would always hold out first, but that mother Ruthie tried to call her three urchins to order. But as soon as the car behind the fence that separates them and their sons and even a vigorous "peace now!" gives off, kick off the three-in earnest. For they are clearly in puberty and prove the fact that they then jump into the car and a tube-debate with the poor, troubled Ruthie - as if the three because of not enough would have to listen to their girlfriends! - Begin.

It excels especially junior - and one I have to leave him: The boy is in good voice! Now and then he spits so loud that it even Kasanga is too much and he responds with a paternal word of command. The staff will also be accessible only for a moment.

So I have now and say my opinion - and then usually causes that do three for a while as if they could not dim her mouth. Junior then plays "I sleep a round of" Frosty looks interested in zoo and Prince make in personal care.

(c) Claudia May
Prince Benedict or "I've done nothing yet, I sit peacefully am. In my enclosure and I pluck quite harmless!"

But when I then lay down to sleep, my might, start it again. And so it goes straight to the love long day. I'm always really happy when Martin and the gang at night wegpackt quiet there.

But the few days that we are still in Wertheim, I will survive even completely. And in Nuremberg, I will hopefully be a bit of distance between them. Until then, I'm looking forward to visiting here very much!


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