Bistecca or steak? La Dolce Vita
Good morning from Naples! The sky is blue, the sun shines onto skin, the gentle breeze brings the scent of sea and adventure, my breakfast tasted great and my girls and I feel good lion. Princess makes it just nice for me - claw and chew paws clean. Diamond, meanwhile, holds her belly in the sun. And she has a really cute little belly - very white, very soft, very attractive. But, That's Good in Italy.
However ... So, how should I say it? As a royal lion goes for me, of course, the rule "noblesse oblige" and therefore I would never ever something friendly to our Italian hosts tell me in every performance loudly and enthusiasistisch - celebrate - as befits just me.
(c) Bittera
A small problem I have but in Italy: Bistecca. That's how I learned Italian steak. Martin, the Italian food like it very much (among us: When the girls and I would not ensure that it remains up to speed, one would he look likely now), even claims, "Bistecca" is the same as "steak". He assured me several times, "Bistecca" is just another word for it. But not so easy to get to me! Bistecca is something else, so Martin and I, two had weeks a little debate.
He came to breakfast: "So, Tonga, here's your fine steak, delicious Bistecca, purchased separately for you.."
I smelled it and said, "Grmpft!" Well yes to some extent Löwisch Martin dominated and therefore he could (quite correctly) as "No, I do not like. This smells funny" translation. He
it: "What should it smell funny, it's fresh, it's good, it's steak?."
Me: "Grandad" (= "! Of paths and Steak Bistecca it is!")
He: "Just because this is not 'steak meat', but 'Bistecca' on the label, you have to hire you!"
Me: "ffffff" (= "I ask me not. I only like no Bistecca. I want steak)
He: ". Tonga, we are in Italy. Here you eat Italian. This means that I get pizza and you Bistecca "I
".! Grrrrfpft - roar "(" I'd rather eat pizza than there, especially when the pizza is decorated with a steak. ")
He twisted ( the eyes): "Tonga, you are the most pampered of all animals! Everyone else would be happy if he would get such fine steak "I
:" pfffft! Brrrrr! ! Grmpft "("... I'm not spoiled I have only the rights entitled to me And this is not a steak, Bistecca but also it is fat. ")
He:" What? I carefully cut away all the fat had "
I"! brrrrr "(".'s I can still smell ")
He:" Tonga! Do not make me mad! How should I get in Italy steak
Me: "?. Plllllrrrr" ("You see - now you give it to yourself: This is not a steak, but Bistecca"
He: "You did not plan to eat it? "I
:" Roar "(". Bistecca right I do not eat. ")
He:" Do you even know what the stuff costs thousands of lions in Africa, the claws would then lick "
I stretch (it! tongue out)
He:.. "Okay you win." Grab the Bistecca and throws it to the girls. "Princess, Diamond -. Rejoice your Lord and Master Bistecca do not like, so you get it." Looks at me and sighs: "Woe to you pout next Wednesday, two days because I was not there!"
I have not sulked, but - he is, even though he has done so difficult to understand the difference between steak and Bistecca, but my man and my best friend - I really worried about him. On Sunday he is in fact gone to the presentation by car to Munich. Me of course he said that he had referred the insanity trip only because of me is making, but so far the friendship but not enough then that I would have believed him that. He is of course because his girl and his offspring down - and that's okay. Well, they belong to the family. In addition, he has to keep in good spirits Jana to us when we are back in March, venison is cooking.
But his trip to Munich was also a plus for me: He's there, the trunk with ice packs and good German steaks fully charged. Bistecca with nothing - from now is there real Tonga feed! And so the proof: people are educable. It may cost a little trouble sometimes, but if they reasonably have talent and you are patient with them, it works already.
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