Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cost Of Borrowing Excel

Nothing new in the South

My secretary thinks that we must once again what to write in my blog - and stubborn as can be women, which they can not even swayed by my statement that I have to tell really nothing new. But Nix is a new state, which I like very much. Als königlicher Löwe mit Stammwohnsitz in Bayern ist mir nämlich am meiner könglich-bayrischen Ruh' gelegen - und genau die kriege ich gerade in Italien.

Unsere Tage hier verlaufen sehr angenehm. Das italienische Publikum beweist guten Geschmack - sie finden alle, dass ich supertoll bin und beklatschen mich frenetisch. Der Platz ist auch schön und das Wetter - nun ja, ein bisschen Niesel, Nebel und sogar Schnee hatten wir, aber dazwischen schaut immer wieder die Sonne raus und so liege ich dann auf meinem Lieblingsbord und genieße es.

(c)Wolfgang Digel
Ich mag es, wenn mir die Wintersonne die Nase wärmt.

Aber wenn ich so sage, dass es hier sehr quiet is ... So, actually this is only conditionally. I maintain the peace here - as long as I have not watch what drives my man Sun

(c) Wolfgang Digel.
What he presents the matter now again?

Martin is in fact powerful active. When he is not fed or trained the young (! Only wait until we come back Our Trio Infernale not mean to learn something new every day), he swings the Feudel - and is in high spirits - as we see in the photo.

(c) Wolfgang Digel

Apart from that, we are moving soon: From Turin to Naples. I am looking forward already. Naples is in fact much further south as Turin, so it should be warmer there. And the sea it is - and I love sea air in the nose.
Martin, meanwhile, is looking forward to another reason to Naples. Which it holds a great son of the city of Naples: The singer Enrico Caruso. And who once said: ".. One day I will return Naples because it is my home, which I love but not to sing, but to eat pizza " Maybe I Martin is then also a quick bite from? In any case, I am sure we will have fun in Naples - and I'll tell about it!


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