Monday, September 13, 2010

Pity The Fool Who Answers Their Phone

NEEEIIIIIIINNNNNN (including echo and sound effects that underscore my misery dramatically)

As ordered the inattentive student Brain yours truly once in a trillion years due to lack of food shopping timing skills a pizza, and then does not taste that good! WARRRUUUUUMMM WEEEELLLT, WARUUUUUMMM? The cheese tastes horrible old & & & close to an abnormal sets associations, which I do not write better the salmon is salty. Now I have to bother myself with poor bastard, cut down the edges and these subtle, but decorative eat burnt dough around the outside. (Titanic music in the background) (Drama Queen, anyone?)

Memo of myself!
order No more salmon pizza or rather not order pizza anymore at 22:30 ? If in doubt, both advice note!

and the worst thing is: I currently reside in the "hotel mama"! HAH! Hotel Mama! Rather cheap hostel! .. Anyway, at least making the rest of the pizza zam .. haha


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