of the nature to be me.
today. today. today. aso. it's sunday. So uh. yesterday, yesterday, yesterday.
Amazed grad, how pleasant the 'humbug' Monkeys album sounds like me because I've done a long time nothing more of their music to heart. shall i give 'em a second chance? hmh.
What was on 12 September 2010 in my life?
* I was eating with Japanese G. (yay! favorite ness!) The urge to make new culinary experience, has struck again. Items on the plan include fried tofu in sauce (slimy, semi-solid, pudding consistency owning something tastes, the xD nothing to say in plain language: it tastes like the sauce plus the frying fat.) and eel-Hosomaki. (Hah! eaten at last! Eel! Another hackal on my imaginary to-do list! Get that dirt off my shoulder.) The latter was not spectacular, but has actually tasted okay. In this respect, would have "trying new dishes" projects but can be much worse, and finally there was also still not inconsiderable cost component. (Venus-project, where are you? Lol.) (27 € for 2 persons? WTF? Which I can live 3 days. Anyways, the plan to make himself Maki is waiting only on the Indeed, to be implemented! harr)
* H & M: buy a new hood, which can be as umfunktiert Schaal. functionality and sustainability in the fashion-conformists-temple? I'm impressed.
* Old Town: tourist hell. Approximately 3000 different faces in 5 minutes. Apart from the potentially satirical aspect very very tiring. But English-speaking people! What a sweet sound to my ears!
* Überfuhr web : panoramic image. Wind in the ear. Warm stone. Smile on his lips. Blue sky summer breeze that sneaks into the autumn wind. Colors of the setting Sun. The philosophy breathes with every train on the cigarette.
* Inner Mental processes: I WILL FINALLY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I-INCOME AVAIL .. PSYCHOLOGY EXAM HAB. Custom. finite. reference point. wants. . Study wants. . Know was. aaaahhhhhhhrrrgggg. insert random primal-screaming here. In addition, I go on my own grad Oasch. not nice. Perhaps creating a fine-oldschool disney film remedy. Let's hope for the best.
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